Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Simple Django Site

I have created a small Django project on the Google Code Hosting platform under the name lrbserv to serve a client who has a concept for a "Resource Sharing Social Network for People with Disabilities".


By plugging together Django apps and adding a few (very crude) templates it has already several useful features:

  • User registration with email verification.
  • Login/logout
  • User profile
  • User Groups
  • Tagging support
  • Image Avatars
  • Django Admin

I'd like to use the project to serve several purposes simultaneously, to wit:

  • For the client who desires the web site in itself.
  • As a reference Django project for myself and anyone else who would use it.
  • To explore advanced methods, e.g. "Lean", model- and behavior-driven, etc...
  • A way to teach web application development to anyone who would like to learn.

Even as rough and minimal as it is at present it can still be a fairly compelling foundation for a number of different social networks or online communities.  It reminds me of how a single square of origami paper can become unlimited specific forms just by folding it different ways.

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