Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Simple Django Site

I have created a small Django project on the Google Code Hosting platform under the name lrbserv to serve a client who has a concept for a "Resource Sharing Social Network for People with Disabilities".


By plugging together Django apps and adding a few (very crude) templates it has already several useful features:

  • User registration with email verification.
  • Login/logout
  • User profile
  • User Groups
  • Tagging support
  • Image Avatars
  • Django Admin

I'd like to use the project to serve several purposes simultaneously, to wit:

  • For the client who desires the web site in itself.
  • As a reference Django project for myself and anyone else who would use it.
  • To explore advanced methods, e.g. "Lean", model- and behavior-driven, etc...
  • A way to teach web application development to anyone who would like to learn.

Even as rough and minimal as it is at present it can still be a fairly compelling foundation for a number of different social networks or online communities.  It reminds me of how a single square of origami paper can become unlimited specific forms just by folding it different ways.

420 days, or 14 months, or about 115% of a year.

Who would have thought that script would come in handy again so soon?

Ah my life.

So it seems our solar system, in its orbit around the center of the galaxy, is entering a region of higher-intensity interstellar flux and we are already feeling the effects.  All the ancient calendars and systems come mysteriously to an end around the same time in December two years hence.

Because this will be a smooth transformation, an easy birth, there's not much to do.  We just have to clean everything up and be ready to go in 26 months.  Piece of cake.  All the cake, up to the wheat fields and streams.