Wednesday, October 8, 2008

You've gotta come back.

Back in the City
Originally uploaded by trigalactic
I finally returned to the foggy city. It's good to be back but I miss my friends already. Have they already turned to cannibalism? Is Saad roasting on a spit as we speak? Only time will tell.

Meantime, I've narrowed down my "mission" to three broad areas, food, education, and the Great Pacific Garbage Heap.

These ideas all tie together and sort of give a coherence to all my activities, both real and imagined.

For example, take food. To me this means Permaculture, the "art and science of creating and maintaining agriculturally productive ecosystems", plain and simple. "You can solve all the worlds problems in a garden." -Geoff Lawton

We need to create Permaculture food generation areas all around human habitation and we need to use Dr. John Todd's Living Machine technology to clean up and purify our wastes and waters.

We can live clean and healthy. We can provide enough food for everyone to have decent nutrition and health. The tools are there.

So this brings us to education. I want to teach Ecology, and Permaculture as applied ecology. In this context I want to introduce physics, chemistry and biology. These are tangible bodies of knowledge in the garden and in the kitchen. They also require math, and these days that means computers.

It's not enough to simply teach "how to earn a buck making websites", I want to improve the world through computer science. Permaculture, food logistics, these require us to deal with systems like the weather and distribution routes. And then there's the Garbage Patch...

I want to clean up the G.P.G.P.

When I first heard about it I thought, "Wow! All this free garbage floating out there in international waters just waiting to be taken!" Let's go out there, reprocess it into useful forms and found a new life in the sea!

Well not exactly. I do want to go out there, and I want to recycle or reuse all that trash. I just don't want to live out there the rest of my life. But for that, I'm totally serious.

There's a fortune to be made out there. Free resources ripe for the plucking, and you're not even ravaging anything! In fact, you're helping.

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